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Welcome to Fashion One on One!

A Network of Change & Transformation!

Are you ready to make a statement?  From our training courses to our key resources and statement apparel, Fashion One on One is here to equip, empower, and position you to show up and win!

Are You Ready to Make A Statement?

 Go to shop to view all of our products.


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She's an Anomaly...


She's Kingdom & Couture


Silver-studded glam bag

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My core set is tight!

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We're Fashioned One on One!

We want to see you!  Share a photo with us making your Fashion One on One statement!

Recent Highlights

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Coming Soon!


 You're not unqualified...You need a system on how to show up!

    Core Keys to Ace the Interview training course is now a book!       Stay in the know for more details  for these books coming  soon.

There is a difference between knowing your purpose versus taking the steps to walk it out! If you already have    "What's at Your Core" in your library then this book is your next step for walking out your purpose!




New Statement Wear Alert!

When you are aligned with The Kingdom, you are a peculiar person.  "She's an Anomaly" Available now!



A Guide to Bring Forth your Best Self Every Single Day

Fashion One on One: Back to the  Basics is not just a book, but a lifestyle. It's pages are laced with my 18+ years of high-fashion work experience and training. Fashion One on One's commitment and goal is to empower, equip, and inspire women with keys to fashion that will help them bring forth their best self every single day!

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Available Now!

You were created for a purpose! The skills and talents you possess, whether you know what they are or not, were given to you to impact and dominate an area, region, sphere, or territory here on earth. But to fulfill this mandate for your life, we must first learn what basic principles God has set before us in His Word to carry them out. If we are knowledgeable about these keys and apply them to our lives, we then have access to live the life God planned for us long ago!


Committed to Your Needs

If for any reason the site is out of stock for Fashion One on One: Back to the Basics, or What's at Your Core?  Are you Fashioned One on One?  Click on the link below to purchase directly from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.


What They’re Saying About Fashion One on One: Back to the Basics & What's At Your Core?

"Love it! The Author gave great advice I needed for a whole mindset for self and fashion choice. 


"I thoroughly enjoyed this book!  Once you begin to read, you won't stop! This book gave a daring perspective that can and will definitely guide you in every day fashion life."


"It was confirmation after confirmation!"


"Everything was backed up with the Word of God"

Pastor R.P.

Book Aundra for Your Event!

Calling all inspiring authors!

Do you have a book in you but don't know where to start? Have you started but now feel stuck? Or maybe you need to know how to wrap things up. If so, this course is for you! Visit bookings for more information or type your inquiry in the contact field.

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Hi, my name is Aundra.  I am the Founder of Fashion One on One.  I want to first thank you for stopping past to check out this site.  It was created and designed specifically with you in mind, yes, you!  No matter where you find yourself in life right now, whether embarking on a new season, desire change, or transformation, Fashion One on One will help you achieve those goals and get you there with confidence! Looking forward to working with you soon!





Author, entrepreneur, fashion designer and consultant, instructor, and curriculum creator, and visionary Aundra G. Ulmer is the founder of Fashion One on One.  Fashion One on One is a movement and transformational Fashion Network laced with learning and fun, but it is most importantly centered on the Word of God from Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." 


As a former luxury business manager with over 18 years of work experience and training in the fashion industry, Aundra has a burden to use these skills infused with the Word of God to equip, empower, and position women for the plan, purpose, and call God has for their lives. As a result, a fresh perspective is given that propels them with the confidence and insight needed to impact and dominate over the assignment, sphere, region, and territory God has called them to.


Aundra is the author of Fashion One on One: Back to Basics & What's at Your Core: Are you Fashioned One on One?  Fashion One on One is a guide to help bring forth your best self every single day. This book elevates the lives and wardrobes of women by eliminating hazardous practices while implementing essential keys and must-haves.  What's at Your Core is a blueprint created to help navigate individuals in the direction that God has purposed for their life. Lastly, “Core Keys to Ace the Interview” training course has turned into a book! This installment has a proven curated system to trade the guessing out of the interview process into showing up in confidence to obtain the position you desire.


Fashion One on One's statement apparel, including top sellers, "I'm Rocking My Best Self" and "She's Kingdom and Couture" has caused an awakening and opportunity for women all across the globe to make an exclusive statement in knowing who they are and Whose they are!  Aundra is also the creator of a catalog of personal and professional development courses and workshops such as "7 Core Essentials"; Core Keys to Ace the Interview" & Core Keys for Releasing Your Book Today!" Aundra has appeared on DCTV's Style Access, Tears To Purpose Real Talk, was the wardrobe consultant for the small black film "Why Didn't I Listen." And was requested as the expert panelist for the event "Key Secrets To Becoming A Media Mogul'' sponsored by Sirius XM. Aundra resides in Washington, D.C., with her three children, where she serves in ministry at the House of Praise under Apostle Stephen E. Young Sr., General Overseer.

Testimonies "Core Keys to Ace the Interview" & "7 Core Essentials Course"

What They’re Saying

"Thank you, I liked the tips on how to dress up!"


Good morning!  I've never been so prepared for an interview before...


I got the job!  Thanks to God first and your ministry.

Ms. Cole

Yes!  I utilized all the interview questions and wardrobe techniques and landed a second interview.  Thank you so much.



Core Keys to Ace the Interview!  Core Essentials & Interview Wardrobe Edition


Core Keys to Ace the Interview!


7 Core Essentials Online Course

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As a result of attending Aundra's fashion course "What's At Your Core?" my resolve is strengthened to look and be my absolute best each and every day. I realized that the outside draws attention and has the potential to make the inside shine brighter. So, what's at your core matters. When we work on the inside just as much as we work on the outside, we honor God, and we cannot fail.


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Thank you for the course you provided us a few weeks ago! As a result of attending Aundra’s fashion course “What’s At Your Core.” I learned how to present myself for the appropriate events. Also, I learned about different body types and what style of clothing would best accommodate them. 
I recommend working with Aundra because she is honest and knowledgeable in this profession. She will create styles tailored to your needs and preferences.

M. Williams


"It's fashion... 

"You can walk a straight line or cross the line."

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